# 23 Week 9
Phew !!!
Finally, I made it . I just can't believe I've finished it .
It was great learning experience.There were lot of things I never knew existed. Many new web sites that were interesting and worth learning something from them. It was irritating at times especially when I had to set up new accounts with username and password, but at the same time I felt really good when I finished each blog successfully and feel a sense of accomplishment.
My favourites among them were Flickr, Online image generator, PBWiki and of course NetLibrary. I got lot of help from my colleagues at work and family and felt above the moon when I finished my WebLearning before some of my other colleagues.
Overall, I must say that it was truly a rewarding experience and I am glad that I took part in this learning programme. I would encourage each of everyone to get into it and tell others in the families and friends, though they might not be part of the ACL staff. I hope to continue my learning and update myself at the various accounts I have created in a variety of website visited during my learning.
Good luck to all and Seasons Greetings !!!